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Maximizing Social Shares: Mastering Website OpenGraph Settings

What Are Website OpenGraph Settings? OpenGraph settings, a preview for social media interaction, comprise HTML tags that turn a simple URL share into an improved media experience. When you share a webpage on social platforms like Facebook, these tags dictate how the...

How a Simple Text Can Dramatically Increase Your Google Reviews

I recently had a spark of an idea that I thought I’d share, thanks to a chat with a current client. Let me share a bit of the backstory: our team’s main focus is helping businesses grow. While that is a simple statement, it’s often not a single item that...

The 2 EASY Things You Should Be Doing to Grow Your Business

Growing your business is a complex process that demands attention to various aspects. As a full-service agency, we take care of your digital presence, including website development, optimizing your Google Business profile, and creating engaging social media content....