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Old School to High Tech: How a Simple Google Form Saved a Successful Business from Drowning in Paperwork!

by | Feb 2, 2024 | Focus Blog, Tips



why would anyone rent a websitea

So, I’ve got this client. His business is booming – we launched his website and Google business profile back middle of last year. Fast forward to now, and his business has had a huge influx of new customers. But scaling up is becoming a bit of a challenge. Keeping track of customer details and all the simple stuff has started to get overwhelming. He jots everything down and stashes it in a filing cabinet – old school, but it worked for him for years. However, with plans to open a second location, sticking to the old ways isn’t going to cut it anymore.

So, I’m trying to gently nudge him towards a slicker way of keeping records. It needs to be simple, though. Simpler than scribbling on paper and effective. I knew better than to throw some complex CRM system at him that he’d probably never touch because it’s too complicated. Instead, I came up with something simple – a straightforward Google form. It’s linked right from the homepage of his website, so he can access it from his computer or phone. It’s just about 8 questions long and dumps everything into a Google Sheet. Once I showed him how it works, he really liked it. It’s straightforward, gets the job done, and the best part? It’s scalable. When or if the time comes for him to go to a CRM, we can easily transfer this data over.

This approach might seem far too simple to actually work, but it does 2 things perfectly; 1. It’s easy to integrate into his workflow 2. It gets the data into an organized database.  From there the options of what can happen are limitless, once the data is in a database there isn’t much we can’t do. This of course is not the first time I’ve set something like this up, it’s not even the first time this week. We’ve got a bunch of clients who love this super simple tracking method. Plus, it’s a game-changer for stuff like getting more Google reviews. Now, he can just pop open his spreadsheet, grab those contact numbers, and shoot out a review request. Here’s an article that I shared about getting more Google Reviews check it out Get More Google Reviews

The takeaway? Start collecting data. It doesn’t have to be a complicated process. it’s so easy to dive into and get overwhelmed by advertised solutions that do a million things, take it back a bit and keep it simple, develop a process that is actually something you can integrate into your normal workflow, we want your days to be easier, not harder.   

Here is a look at a copy of the form, it’s super simple

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