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Maximizing Social Shares: Mastering Website OpenGraph Settings

What Are Website OpenGraph Settings? OpenGraph settings, a preview for social media interaction, comprise HTML tags that turn a simple URL share into an improved media experience. When you share a webpage on social platforms like Facebook, these tags dictate how the...

How a Simple Text Can Dramatically Increase Your Google Reviews

I recently had a spark of an idea that I thought I’d share, thanks to a chat with a current client. Let me share a bit of the backstory: our team’s main focus is helping businesses grow. While that is a simple statement, it’s often not a single item that...

Ride the Wave or Get Wiped Out: The Generative AI Revolution

Seems like every time you scroll through the news, there’s another article on generative AI. Some are sounding the alarm, worried about jobs and the future of creativity, many are calling for an all-out war against it. But here’s the deal: if you’re...

A Grumpy Mechanic’s Remark Changed Everything

Sometimes, a single moment defines your entire future…Over the past 23 years, I’ve witnessed countless website and marketing trends come and go. But there’s one idea that initially seemed too silly to work, yet it’s turned out to be one of the...

Similar Logos? Unraveling Some Copyright Laws – Sleekcraft Test

So Your Logo Has a Twin: Next Steps Discovering your logo closely resembles another’s can plunge any marketer into a state of alarm. Suddenly, the worry of trademark infringement looms: Are you at fault, or are they? Who bears responsibility? In this article,...