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What Is An SSL Certificate and Why It’s Critical To Your Website Performing Well On Google

by | Dec 20, 2022 | Focus Blog



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What Is An SSL Certificate And Why Is It Important

An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a type of digital certificate that is used to establish a secure connection between a website and a visitor’s web browser. The primary purpose of an SSL certificate is to encrypt the data that is transmitted between the website and the visitor’s browser, protecting it from being intercepted by third parties.

SSL certificates are especially important for websites that handle sensitive information, such as login credentials, personal data, and financial information. Without an SSL certificate, this information could be vulnerable to being intercepted and potentially used for malicious purposes.

In addition to providing security, SSL certificates can also help to increase the credibility and trustworthiness of a website. Most modern web browsers display a padlock icon or a green address bar when a website is secured with an SSL certificate, which can help to reassure visitors that their data is being protected.

In summary, an SSL certificate is important because it helps to protect sensitive information that is transmitted between a website and its visitors, and it can help to increase the credibility and trustworthiness of a website.

Why Is An SSL Certificate Important To Google

Google considers SSL certificates to be an important factor in determining the ranking of a website in its search results. This is because SSL certificates provide security and privacy for the information that is transmitted between a website and its visitors.

In 2014, Google announced that it would start giving a ranking boost to websites that use SSL certificates, in order to encourage the use of secure connections on the web. Since then, Google has continued to prioritize websites with SSL certificates in its search results.

In addition to providing security and privacy, SSL certificates can also help to increase the credibility and trustworthiness of a website. This can be especially important for websites that handle sensitive information, such as login credentials, personal data, and financial information.

Overall, SSL certificates are important to Google because they help to improve the security and credibility of the web, which is in line with Google’s mission to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Will My Website Work Without An SSL?

It is possible for a website to work without an SSL certificate, but it may not provide the same level of security and trustworthiness as a website with an SSL certificate.

Without an SSL certificate, the data that is transmitted between a website and its visitors is not encrypted, which means that it could potentially be intercepted and viewed by third parties. This can be a security risk, especially for websites that handle sensitive information, such as login credentials, personal data, and financial information.

In addition to the security risks, a website without an SSL certificate may also be perceived as less trustworthy by visitors. Most modern web browsers display a warning message or a red address bar when a website is not secured with an SSL certificate, which can discourage visitors from using the site.

Overall, while it is technically possible for a website to work without an SSL certificate, it is generally recommended to use an SSL certificate to protect the security and trustworthiness of a website.



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